Our Purpose
Mount Vernon Church of Christ

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At the Mt. Vernon Church of Christ we strive to glorify God by...

...Reaching upward in worship (both publicly and privately).
...Reaching inward
encouraging our members to deepen their Christian discipleship.
...Reaching outward
serving the physical and spiritual needs of the community and abroad.

We invite you to come and study and worship with us.
A warm welcome awaits you.



Our History
The church of Christ has its origin in the Jerusalem church established by Christ and His apostles in the first century as recorded in the New Testament. The Mt. Vernon church of Christ is a part of a larger religious movement known as the Restoration Movement. This movement began as a result of the frustation that many felt with denominational division that existed in the 17th and 18th centuries and a desire to return and restore New Testament Christiantity (without the trappings of traditions that had become so much a part of the religious landscape). In short, it is a movement that says, "Let's simply do what the first Christians did in order to be what they were. Let's strive to speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where the Bible is silent."
The beginning of this congregation reaches back to 1898. The original family met in a small frame building on the same site where the present building stands. The group of believers who assemble within its walls wish to wear only the name "Christian," while serving God with simplicity and gladness of heart (Acts 11:26).

Our Mission

To help answer the question....
"If the Lord returned today, would you be with Him in eternity?"
Please click on the link and ask your self


God loves you and so do we